Shawn Shen
Shawn focuses on investments in AI and Deep Tech for Eight Roads in Shanghai.

What motivates you?

Innovation and adventure.

What’s been your steepest learning curve?

Learning how to pilot an aeroplane in one day.

What current technology trend do you get most excited about and why?

The sharing economy, which has already become a global phenomenon - it’s as much a technology movement as a social and economic one and will probably be one of the great benefits of the digital age. I also believe we are now standing on the threshold of a significant acceleration in Artificial Intelligence. Humans thrive on continuously extending their physical limitations through the creation of innovative tools, from spears in the Stone Age, to engines in the Industrial Age. Building on the development of computational power and data accumulation over the past 20 years, Artificial Intelligence is set to become a milestone in human evolution and will increase the productivity of mankind.

How do you think the investment landscape is changing in China – and what does that mean for entrepreneurs?

China is becoming increasingly creative. Venture Capital investments are reflecting that trend and we see high quality start-ups having no difficulty getting funded. For entrepreneurs, the key is to focus on making products that really create value for their customers. At the end of the day, that’s the ultimate source of value for any company.

If you could only give one piece of advice to an up and coming entrepreneur, what would it be?

I would quote Ben Horowitz: “In many tough situations, there is no one silver bullet that’s going to fix the problem; the only way is to fire a lot of lead bullets.”

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