Sanjay Aggarwal
Venture Partner
Sanjay works with the Eight Roads India team as a Venture Partner specialising in Enterprise Software and India-US opportunities. He was formerly CEO of Unicel Technologies.

What motivates you?

The opportunity to challenge myself, where the outcome is uncertain, but I have an outsize ability to affect the result, and the learnings along the way are immeasurable.

What’s been the steepest learning curve on your career journey so far?

Being an entrepreneur in India was by far the biggest challenge of my career. Not having grown up in India, I underestimated how challenging it is to build a business for the Indian market. And my past experience as a consultant and investor hardly prepared me for how to build a company from scratch. It took trial and error, determination, and stress, but we somehow figured out our way.

Which India or global tech trend are you most excited about at the moment and why?

AI is one of the most exciting opportunities I see today. The explosion of data, availability of on-demand compute power, and continuing advancements in algorithm development have created numerous opportunities to transform business and our daily lives using AI. I am also incredibly excited about opportunities to build cross-border business between India and the West. The quality of Indian entrepreneurs I meet every day is truly world-class, and the transparency of information across borders has made it easier than ever to build products for the global market, no matter where you are.

If you could give a piece of advice to your 20-year-old self, what would it be?

Go work for the fastest-growth start-up with the smartest people you can find. Being a young professional is the ideal time to take risks, try new things, and learn. The experiences and connections you make early in life are some of the best preparation you can have for your later career.

What is the company you wish you’d backed and why?

Flipkart - it has played a transformative role in the Indian economy and local start-up ecosystem. Having had the opportunity to be a service provider to them at my last start-up, I also always respected their approach to business.

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