Rebecca Lin
Senior Partner and Co-Head of Eight Roads Ventures China Healthcare
Rebecca is a Senior Partner and Co-Head of the China healthcare franchise. During her career, she has led a series of investments including TCT Medical (acquired by Hologic, Inc.), Hile Bio(SH 603718), NKF (SH 603707), Eyebright Medical (SH 688050), GST (HK 02273), Medbanks (HK 00314), Bang Er Medical etc.

What motivates you?

Making a positive impact on the development of China’s healthcare industry, while supporting entrepreneurs to build great businesses.

What’s been the steepest learning curve of your career so far?

Investing in TCT Medical, which was my first healthcare investment after I joined Eight Roads Ventures China in 2007. At that time, there were very few healthcare investors and sparse information about the market. Also, it was the first co-investment with our associated fund F-Prime and our first investment using a Sino-foreign joint venture structure. I had to deal not only with commercial issues of the deal but also understand the regulatory and legal issues of the JV structure.

What current technology trend do you get most excited about and why?

CRISPR gene editing, which could potentially alter the germ line of humans and animals.

How do you think the investment landscape is changing in China – and what does that mean for entrepreneurs?

There is a large amount of capital flowing into the healthcare sector so entrepreneurs need to learn to choose the right investor to support their company’s long-term development.

If you could give one piece of advice to an up and coming entrepreneur, what would it be?

Build your team first!

Which company do you wish you’d backed?

Tencent. It was founded in 1998 and is now one of the largest internet companies in the world. It offers social networks, web portals, e-commerce and multi-player online games – and is still innovating. WeChat, its mobile text and voice messaging service, is going from strength to strength. 

Articles published

7月 2020
China Healthcare investment overview



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