Laura Salesse
Senior Associate
Laura is a member of the Europe Ventures team and joined from Idinvest Partners.

What’s been the steepest learning curve on your career journey so far?

Being an intrapreneur in a plastic upcycling company for a short-term experience: I knew nothing about this industry but within a few days I went into the factories to plan new production lines and visited recycling centres to negotiate the purchase price of plastics. 

Which Europe or global tech trend are you most excited about at the moment and why?

The Infrastructure of Work within the Future of Work. The expectations for more flexibility within workers, now partially fulfilled with home offices, were present long before the Covid crisis. Before the pandemic, 74% of US workers agreed they would quit their job to work remotely.

Partial home offices are going to stick around after the crisis and will reshape the way we work but most importantly will reshape the infrastructure of work. Back office tools for IT coordination, employee engagement, remote HRM enablers among others, were left behind in the past decade but have recently been in demand, especially since the pandemic.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Never underestimate yourself. If you have been given the responsibility to do something, you are 100% accountable.

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