Kavish Kothari
Kavish brings four years of experience in investment banking and private equity and focuses on opportunities in Enterprise and Consumer Technology, Financial Services and Business Services.

What motivates you?

Working with multiple companies and being a part of their successes and sometimes even their failures. Every transaction brings with it new learning which helps me to build up the motivation to learn faster and adapt more.

What’s been the steepest learning curve of your career so far?

Being able to execute multiple deal transactions while managing the sometimes fragile nature of founder relations. The attention and focus required on multiple issues at the same time can be daunting but eventually we see them over the finish line and that is very rewarding.

What current technology trend either in India or globally do you get most excited about and why?

It has to be global SaaS products.

If could give one piece of advice to your 20-year old self what would it be?

Start building networks early on with a focus on building longer term relationships (irrespective of whether or not they lead to actual gains).

What are your favourite qualities in an entrepreneur?

The ability to communicate an idea in a clear and concise format and to manage people and expectations, both internally and externally. Also, being able to look at the larger picture and build a business or product with a solid vision in mind, while not losing sight of areas for personal and professional improvement.

Articles published

3月 2022
Our investment in JIFFY.ai



304, 3rd Floor
Tower A
Peninsula Business Park
Mathuradas Mills
Lower Parel
Mumbai 400 013

+91 22 6655 4200

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