Katy Barnett
Marketing Manager
Katy joined Eight Roads from Facebook where she worked in the global marketing events team.

What is the job you do at Eight Roads?

I partner with the Eight Roads Ventures Europe and Fin Tech Strategic Investments teams to execute events across Europe and Israel as well as providing communications support. Event formats range from intimate content-led dinners for our portfolio companies and founders, to larger networking drinks receptions to build brand awareness and deepen relationships across the ecosystem.

Looking back, what’s been the steepest learning curve on your career journey so far?

I love my role because each event is different, I learn new things at each one and get to interact with so many founders - often who are trying to change convention with their ideas. My biggest challenge so far has been managing seven events in nine days across five countries!

Who inspires you?

Emily Weiss, founder and CEO of Glossier. She has built a stand-out brand in a relatively short amount of time.

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