Diwakar Anand
Senior Associate
Diwakar is a Senior Associate with our technology team and based out of Mumbai, This is his second stint with us, and joins us from Avataar Ventures.

What motivates you?

The ability to be part of companies and technologies that can have transformative impact on the world we live in.

What’s been the steepest learning curve on your career journey so far?

In my investing journey so far, I have seen market leaders fail and underdogs succeed. As a result, identifying characteristics of resilience, constantly challenging my own thought process, and eliminating biases have been my biggest learnings.

Which global tech trend are you most excited about at the moment and why?

AI - because of its ability to disrupt industries and our everyday lives in unimaginable ways. AI, today, can be a health coach in one instance and a predictor of machine failure in another instance – can’t wait to see how it will evolve & transform our lives over the next decade.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Stay hungry, stay foolish!


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