Cody Yin
Cody is a Partner for the Eight Roads Ventures team in Shanghai and focuses on the Digital Health & Healthcare IT sector.

What motivates you?

To support the entrepreneurs to advance society to a better place.

What’s been the steepest learning curve of your career so far?

It was my first few years of working in the consulting and investment industries, starting with a fresh Ph.D. in science, when I realized that the rule of the business world is beyond simple scientific reasoning but a mix of art and science, in which the human factor is always most critical.

How do you think the investment landscape is changing in China – and what does that mean for entrepreneurs?

The level of uncertainty is at its historical peak. Try to use it, not hide from it. Enhance our antifragility and embrace randomness.

If you could only give one piece of advice to an upcoming entrepreneur what would it be?

"We try to remember that medicine is for the patient. We try never to forget that medicine is for the people. It is not for the profits. The profits follow, and if we have remembered that, they have never failed to appear." - George W. Merck

Articles published

7月 2020
China healthcare payment innovation



Unit 3313-14, Floor 33
Two IFC, Shanghai IFC
No. 8 Century Avenue
Pudong New District
Shanghai 200120

+86 21 6340 5754

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