Ronni Zehavi on building a HR SaaS winner Hibob
We had a chat with repeat founder & CEO Ronni about his journey so far building the global HR SaaS winner Hibob.

Ronni Zehavi, CEO of our portfolio company Hibob, has had an extraordinary founder journey. He’s a repeat entrepreneur who exited his first business Cotendo to Akamai in 2012 for $300 million, and then founded Hibob in 2015 to modernise HR tech.

Today, Hibob has grown to employ over 300 people across Europe, Israel and the US and the company recently raised $150 million at a $1.6 billion valuation – and it continues to grow rapidly!

He speaks about his entrepreneurial journey so far, how he's built Hibob, and the tips he has for other founders looking to scale. 


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