Our companies named in the Global Unicorn Index

Eight of our portfolio companies have been included in the Hurun Global Unicorn Index 2020.

Akulaku, Appsflyer, Icertis, iSoftstoneMedbanks, PingPong, Pony.ai and WifiMasterKey all made it to the list. Three portfolio companies from our U.S based sister fund F-Prime Capital are also included in the ranking - Devoted Health, Flywire and Toast.

This is a remarkable achievement and testament to the founders, their teams and business partners who have supported them on this journey. We are certainly very proud and grateful for the opportunity to partner with these incredible companies.

Hurun Global Unicorn Index 2020, compiled by the Hurun Research Institute in association with Suzhou New District from East China, is a ranking of the world’s start-ups founded in the 2000s worth at least a billion dollars and not yet listed on a public exchange. This is the second year of the list and follows on from six quarterly Hurun China Unicorn Indices. This report includes the Hurun Best Unicorn Investors in the World 2020. Fidelity ranks 34 among the top 100.

Hurun Research found 586 unicorns in the world, based in 29 countries and 145 cities. On average, they were set up nine years ago, with 80% selling software and services and 60% consumer-facing.  5% were in traditional sectors, with the majority disrupting financial services, retail, entertainment, business management solutions, healthcare, logistics and automobile. The total value of all known unicorns in the world is US$1.9tn.

The U.S has 233 unicorns, just ahead of China's 227and the two countries make up 79 percent of the world's total. On a city level, Beijing has the most number of unicorns with 93, followed by San Francisco at 68 and Shanghai at 47.


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