Junichi Murata takes first place at Incubate Camp

Junichi Murata, Partner at our Japan Ventures team along with his mentee Toshiaki Yabe from Crezit Holdings took first place at ‘Incubate Camp’ hosted by Incubate Fund.

The workshop brought together Japan's leading VCs and 16 entrepreneurs. Each entrepreneur was paired up with their VC of choice to hone their business strategy and create a winning case. Crezit provides the necessary system infrastructure such as credit screening to companies that want to launch financial services such as money lending. Mr. Yabe teamed up with Junichi Murata, to rework the content of the announcement. "Thinking about how we want to change society, not whether we want to go public (IPO), raised our perspective." Congratulations to all the participants and Junichi Murata & Toshiaki Yabe for winning the gold!

You can read more about the event here


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