Eight Roads HiBob Young Generation in Tech Report

For the second year running, we've launched 'The Young Generation in Tech' report together with our portfolio company HiBob - the global HR tech platform.

Attracting and retaining young talent is vital to European tech. We surveyed 2,000 20-30 year olds across seven European countries to understand how they feel about their role, the company they work for, and their prospects for the future.

Survey Results 

  • The report shows a notable improvement in job security and job satisfaction compared to last year’s survey

  • In last year’s survey, respondents were lacking in job security, but this year young workers feel twice as secure in their role as they did in 2022

  • One major revelation is the overwhelmingly positive outlook on AI's impact

    • 78% of respondents are confident about AI’s positive impact in the workplace

    • 71% believe AI will make them more efficient, productive or creative

  • There is a resurgence in the popularity of office work models. While flexible work remains valued, more than half (56%) prefer working in the office four or five days a week

  • Beyond salary, young workers value purpose when choosing their employer

  • When it comes to selecting a job, more than a fifth of Europeans (21%) said that their ideal role would be for a company with positive impact, and they regret the fact their current employer isn’t making more of a positive difference to the world

  • Work impacts young workers’ mental health in a big way, over half of respondents (56%) reported their job impacts their mental health

For the full report, check out www.younggenerationintech.com


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